The University of Rome 'La Sapienza', the Lazio Region and other organisations offer various scholarship schemes to support students. Below is a list of the funding opportunities that are most often used by students in Rome.
Please take note that some of the information concerning scholarships have not been updated and will be only once the Call for Application is published.
Don't Miss your Chance Scholarship (2020-21)
Detailed information on the EAAS Excellence Scholarships are available in the Call for applications: The "Don't Miss Your Chance" Call 2020-21 will assign 11 two-year scholarships worth €4300 (gross, student and university taxes to be detracted) each both to EU and non-EU graduates (excluding Italian citizens). Detailed information are available at the following link: Excellence Scholarship Programme - a.y. 2019/20 (Percorso d'Eccellenza)
Sapienza University offers scholarships to highly talented students who completed all their 1st year exams by the 31th October. The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only a maximum of 10 candidates showing the highest achievements and academic records may receive a scholarship. The successful scholars will be expected to fulfil some tasks arranged by the Department for a total amount of minimum 60 hours of work.
Amount of scholarship: amount corresponding to the fees paid during the 2nd year + a certificate attesting the tasks performed.
Who can apply: highly talented students who completed all their 1st year exams by the 31th October with an average mark of 27/30.
Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means that you are not eligible for this scholarship.
How to apply: there is a separate application to be filled out and submitted to Benedetta Panciroli ( along with the list of exams you have passed by the 10th of January as indicated in the Call for applications which is published on the institutional website of the course in the News section.
Selection criteria: admitted candidates are selected on the basis of their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field of study, academic quality and results of the preceding year.
Acceptance: please note that, in order to receive the scholarship, you must:
- complete the online acceptance procedure within the deadline indicated in the call for applications.
- Have paid all the fees referred to the current academic year
Payments arrangements: the scholarship will be paid once all the 60 hours have been completed.
Duration: scholarships will be offered for 1 academic year.
Student Collaboration Scholarships - a.y. 2019/20
These internships are for students enrolled to Sapienza University for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Selected students will collaborate with university structures such as libraries, laboratories, interactive rooms, reception and information centers for students, stages and promoting activities.
These paid internships last 150 hours, generally divided in shifts of 2-4 hours per day which need to be completed within a set deadline. At the end of the 150 hours the collaboration is automatically concluded.
Amount of scholarship: 1.095,00 euros.
Who can apply: All students from Sapienza University of Rome, enrolled in a graduation course. The calls for the Student collaboration scholarships are generally published from September on. The deadline for the application is usually 30 days after their publication.
How to apply: First, please make sure that you have first read all the application requisites in the individual. All calls can be found on the new Administration Transparency Portal ( Open the list of 'bandi in corso', choose the entry 'Dipartimento di Studi Americani, Europei e Interculturali' in the box who says 'Tutto' below the word 'struttura' typed in bold. Open the call for application and follow the instructions.
Selection criteria: admitted candidates are selected on the basis of their academic quality and results of the preceding year. For students enrolled in a master's degree course merit is a result of:
- weighted average of their grades (weighted with their credits) of the exams passed in both the Bachelor's and Master's Degree course.
- Exams passed with honors weights 30,10;
Payments arrangements: the scholarship will be paid once all the 150 hours have been completed. After completing 75 hours it is possible to obtain half of the amount in advance.
Duration: scholarships will be offered for 1 academic year.
Detailed information on Student Collaboration Scholarships will be available at the following link The list of internships available is accessible at the following link
Paid Tutoring Activities - a.y. 2019-20
Students may apply to carry out tutorship activities. These paid internships last 150 hours, generally divided in shifts of 2-4 hours per day. At the end of the 150 hours the collaboration is automatically concluded.
Amount of scholarship: 2.500,00 euros (tax not deducted at source).
Who can apply: All students from Sapienza University of Rome, enrolled in a graduation course. The calls for the Student collaboration scholarships are generally published in August/ September. The deadline for the application is usually 30 days after their publication.
How to apply: First, please make sure that you have first read all the application requisites in the individual. All calls can be found on the new Administration Transparency Portal ( Open the list of 'bandi in corso', choose the entry 'Dipartimento di Studi Americani, Europei e Interculturali' in the box who says 'Tutto' below the word 'struttura' typed in bold. Open the call for application and follow the instructions.
Selection criteria: admitted candidates are selected on the basis of their academic quality and results of the preceding year. For students enrolled in a master's degree course merit is a result of:
- weighted average of their grades (weighted with their credits) of the exams passed in both the Bachelor's and Master's Degree course.
- Exams passed with honors weights 30,10;
Payments arrangements: the scholarship will be paid once all the 150 hours have been completed.
Duration: scholarships will be offered for 1 academic year.
Detailed information on Paid Tutoring Activities will be available once the Call for applications has been published on the website
International Thesis Scholarship
This scholarship consists of economic benefits Sapienza gives to enrolled students willing to have a study experience abroad, in order to help their mobility. It is possible to apply at the faculty presidencies every year. Thesis research can be done at institutions, companies, foreign or community companies, supranational or international institutions of a higher scientific and cultural level.
Amount of scholarship: € 2.821,00 gross (Regional Income Tax included).
Who can apply: International Thesis Scholarship are addressed to students who want to conduct part of their thesis research abroad and who are properly enrolled at least in the master's degree first year. The call for the international thesis scholarship is generally published in April. The deadline for the application is usually 30 days after its publication.
Selection criteria: admitted candidates are selected on the basis of their academic quality and results of the preceding year. For students enrolled in a master's degree course merit is a result of:
- weighted average of their grades (weighted with their credits) of the exams passed in both the Bachelor's and Master's Degree course.
- Exams passed with honors weights 30,10;
Payments arrangements: the scholarship will be paid in two instalments.
Duration: International Thesis Scholarship must be conducted for at least two consecutive months
Detailed information on the International thesis scholarship will be available once the Call for applications has been published on
Laziodisco: Study grants, housing and meals vouchers - a.y. 2019/20 (This section will be updated for a.y. 2020/21 as soon the Call for Application is published)
Laziodisco is the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education in Lazio. It offers services to students and new graduates of the universities and higher art and music institutes in Lazio and to students and new graduates on international mobility and research programmes.
The Authority offers economic support for certain students chosen through competitions, such as study grants, accommodation services, contributions various (extraordinary, for international mobility programmes, etc.), information technology services, accompaniment for disabled students, career guidance and catering services.
The call for applications is generally published in June. The deadline for the application is usually 90 days after its publication.
Amount of scholarship: € 1,950.44 for on-site students, € 2,852.71 for commuting students, € 5,174.66 for off-site students.
Lodging places
In order to reduce the inconvenience related to the distance from the place of study, Laziodisco assigns accommodation in its facilities, within the limits of availability, for a period not exceeding eleven months, and in any case no later than September 30, 2019. Only off-site students enrolled in universities with registered offices in Lazio can apply for accommodation.
Contributions for international mobility
Students receiving Laziodisco scholarships, enrolled at the Universities of Lazio, including those enrolled in doctorates, are entitled within the limits of availability to additional funds related to their participation in international mobility programs, only once for each graduation cycle.
Graduation award
The scholarship winning students in the academic year 2017/2018 who obtain the MA degree within the legal duration of the relevant course of study, can benefit from an additional amount equal to 50% of the scholarship obtained in the academic year of reference of the degree. The benefit can be granted for a single course of study.
The right to the graduation award is subject to the availability of funds allocated annually. In the event of the requests exceeding the allocated fund, the benefit will be allocated based on a ranking that will be prepared taking into account the highest degree grades, and with an equal score, based on the lower ISEE value declared in the last scholarship application.
Who can apply: Students are eligible for the benefits/services if they have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) inferior to € 23,253.00 and if they meet the following requirements:
- Freshmen students
Those who achieve the relevant merit by August 10, 2019 are awarded the full amount of the scholarship, after the verification of the regular registration of credits by that date by the University's secretariat.
Those who acquire 20 credits after August 10, 2019 and by November 30, 2019, are awarded only half of the total amount of the scholarship.The scholarship and other benefits are revoked if the student does not achieve 20 credits by November 30, 2019.
- Students enrolled in subsequent years
- The merit requirements are assessed based on the credits acquired and duly registered from the time of enrolment until August 10, 2018. The minimum requirements for accessing the benefits referred to in this call are 30 ECTS.
- Single/unmarried students with children
For single/unmarried students with children under the age of three, the merit requirements referred to in this article are reduced by 10%.
- Students with disabilities
Without prejudice to the provisions regarding the income requirement, students with a disability recognised in Italy of not less than 66%6, or with a recognised handicap enjoy a more favourable merit requirement as described in the Call for applications.
How to apply:
Students must register in the system with a "username" and a "password" of their choice. Those who have already used the procedure in previous years will have their login credentials confirmed and will not have to register again.
- PIN request
b) In person - Go to the nearest Adisu Scholarship Office and authenticate yourself directly at the counter presenting a valid identity document along with a photocopy of the same. This procedure must be carried out by August 10, 2018 at 11.00 a.m.
- Online transmission of the application - First phase
From May 10, 2018 to July25, 2018 at 12.00 p.m., students fill in the online application form in all its sections, stating the truthfulness of the data entered. At the end of this procedure, using the "send" function, the system automatically certifies receipt of the application by issuing an identification number.
Students who by July 25, 2018 at 12.00 p.m. did not complete the online application form in all its sections according to the procedure indicated above, are declared excluded from the procedure and cannot access the second phase.
- Publication of provisional rankings
By August 1, 2018 Laziodisco will publish the provisional results of the competitions, with the aim of notifying the students of their personal position, in order to make any necessary corrections/additions.
- Changes, corrections and additions
From August 1 to 10, 2018 the online form is reopened. The access is made possible again so that students can make any changes or corrections if necessary, with respect to what was declared in the first phase, using the function "Insert a variation/ addition or proceed to the transmission of the application", accessible both for those who transmitted the application with a pin or without it.
- Final submission of the application via PIN - Second phase
The transmission of the application along with the required documentation must be carried out with the PIN.
If the student in the first phase has sent the application without the PIN, in this second phase he/she must proceed with the transmission with the PIN within the mandatory deadline of August 10, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. under penalty of exclusion. The submission with the pin is mandatory whether the previously entered data is confirmed or changes have been made.
If the student has submitted the application in the first phase with the PIN and has not made any unlocking or claims, the transmission is considered to be final.
If the student in the first phase has submitted the application with the PIN and has subsequently made unlocks or has used the "Insert variations/additions" function, he/she must proceed with the transmission of the application with the PIN along with any related attachments within the mandatory deadline of August 10, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. under penalty of exclusion.
For students from countries outside the European Union it is compulsory to attach to the application in digital format the documentation referred to in points a) and b):
a) Copy of the residence permit (or paper documentation certifying the request/renewal of the same). A copy of the passport will be accepted provisionally, pending the original documentation, which must be produced by March 31, 2019 to the Benefits Office of the Adisu of reference, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.
b) Income statement for 2016, financial situation for 2017 and composition of the household referred to 2018 issued by the competent authorities of the country where the income was produced and translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities responsible for the territory.
Provisional documentation will be temporarily accepted, pending the original documentation, which must be produced by March 31, 2019 to the Benefits Office of the Adisu of reference, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.
Italian students residing abroad and with income produced in a foreign country (not self- certified pursuant to the preceding art.12) must attach to the application in digital form the original of the income statement for 2016, the financial situation for 2017 and the composition of the household referred to 2018, issued by the competent authorities of the country where the income was produced, and translated into Italian by the Italian diplomatic authorities responsible for the territory.
Provisional documentation will be temporarily accepted, pending the original documentation, which must be produced by March 31, 2019 to the Benefits Office of the Adisu of reference, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.
For students from countries outside the European Union it is compulsory to attach to the application in digital format the documentation referred to in points a) and b):
a) Household status
b) Income statement for 2016, financial situation for 2017 and composition of the household in 2018, translated into Italian and legalised in accordance with current legislation.
Provisional documentation will be temporarily accepted, pending the original documentation, which must be produced by March 31, 2019 to the Benefits Office of the Adisu of reference, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.
Lodging place
The awarding of a lodging place to the winners is made by considering the position of the student in the related ranking and taking into account the distribution between new enrolments and subsequent years.
Students who are given a lodging place have the right to stay in university residences for a period not exceeding eleven months, and in any case no later than September 30, 2019. For the academic year 2018/2019, the allocation of lodging places will be carried out, in principle, by the first half of October 2018. During the month of August, the residences are normally closed. In August the assistance service for students with disabilities is suspended.
- Communication of the outcome of the competition and acceptance of the lodging place
The final results of the competition are published both on the institutional site and in the student's reserved area. With specific notice, the relevant procedure will be subsequently communicated, together with the date by which the student must formalise their acceptance of the assigned lodging place. After the acceptance deadline, if the student has not followed the required procedures, he/she is excluded from the benefit.
After the deadline established for the acceptance of the lodging place, in case there are still places available, Laziodisu proceeds to an enlargement of the ranking. In this case, the further assignments will be communicated through a dedicated notice published on the institutional website.
- Taking over the lodging place
The student must present himself or herself at the residence within the terms indicated in the notice, taking with him/her:
a) A valid identification document.
b) A personal statement regarding his/her lack of knowledge of current infectious diseases that could negatively affect community cohabitation. In case of health problems already established (food intolerances, diseases and/or therapies in progress, etc.) it is necessary to attach the relative medical documentation.
Students winners of lodging places whose outcome proves to be subject to certain conditions, cannot take possession of the assigned lodging place as long as they do not regularise their position.
For students admitted as winners to the lodging benefit, the assignments are subject to availability at the residences. In the case of unavailability of accommodation, the student concerned is still awarded an off-site scholarship regardless of the presentation of the tenancy contract.
- Cost of the lodging place
For students who receive a scholarship and a lodging place, the conventional average cost of the living service enjoyed or to be enjoyed is deducted from the total gross amount. Students who are awarded only the lodging place and not the scholarship, receive it free of charge.
The cost of service for all residences in Rome is set as follows:
- € 145.00 per month for accommodation in a single room.
- € 135.00 per month for accommodation in a "superior" double room.- € 125.00 per month for accommodation in a double room
- € 125.00 per month for accommodation in a double room
For students who are recipient of both a scholarship and a lodging place the cost of the housing service will be deducted from the amount of the scholarship, as follows:
€ 500.00 with the 1stinstalment and the rest with the 2nd instalment.
For the scholarship winners enrolled in the first year after the regular duration of the course under the new and very new system, the total cost of 5 months and half of housing service is deducted asfollows:
€ 250.00 from the 1st instalment of the grant, and the rest from the balance.
For the remaining 5 months and a half, the use of the residential service is free of charge, in consideration of the fact that the right to the scholarship for the 1st year after the regular duration of the course is equal to 50% of the amount.
- Lodging waiver
Students may waive their right to the requested lodging place by submitting or sending a communication to the territorial Adisu of competence. For the student who renounce the lodging benefit after taking over the accommodation, the cost of the housing service enjoyed is deducted from the economic benefits.
- Retainment of the off-site status following the lodging waiver
For the purposes of this call, the student who renounces the lodging place can maintain the off-site status on the condition of submitting, at the same time of the lodging waiver, a copy of a tenancy contract with a minimum duration of ten months between September 1, 2018 and October 31, 2019, duly registered with the Revenue Agency. Failing that, the student will be classified as a calculated commuter.
- Service for students with disabilities
Students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 66%, or with a recognised handicap may receive assistance uponpresentation of an application, with a participation to the cost of the service in the amount of € 65.00per month. They can also benefit from a transport service, paying a monthly amount of € 12.00.
Students with disabilities must make the corresponding payment to the relevant territorial Adisu. Failure to pay the sums due within the terms will result in the revocation of the assistance, and the recovery by Laziodisco of the established debt.
Contribution for international student mobility
The available funds for the supplementary contributions are broken down as follows:
- 90% for students enrolled in subsequent years.
- 10% for freshmen enrolled in 2nd level specialist degree courses.
At the time of completing the online form, the student must indicate the training experience for which he/she has been selected. The winning student must communicate his/her return to Italy to the territorial Adisu within 30 days. The contribution is paid in a single payment.
The planned supplement is equal to a maximum of € 510.00 on a monthly basis for the period spentabroad, up to a maximum of ten months. The amount of a possible contribution granted from European Union funds or any other specific bilateral agreement will be deducted from this amount.
The reimbursement of travel expenses (round trip) is provided up to a maximum of € 150.00. Thestudent who is also the winner of a lodging place can retain it on condition that the absence for the training experience abroad does not exceed ninety days. After this period, the right to the lodging place automatically expires.
Therefore, only the student whose stay abroad is equal to or less than three months, in the period between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019, may apply for a lodging place. Under no circumstances may the student be recognised as having an off-site status in the absence of documentation proving that the period he/she spent abroad under the international mobility program, as well as the period covered by the tenancy contract, is ten months overall.
Graduation award
The scholarship winning students in the academic year 2017/2018, enrolled in the degree programs of the new and very new system, who obtain degree within the legal duration of the relevant course of study, can benefit from an additional amount equal to 50% of the scholarship obtained in the academic year of reference of the degree.
For students with disabilities, the right to benefit from the graduation award is determined by the achievement of the degree by the 1st year after the regular duration of the course.
Students must request the benefit within the mandatory term of 30 days from the awarding of the degree, filling in every part of the online form accessible from within the reserved area, and transmitting it with the pin.
Failure to comply even with only one of the indicated steps is cause for exclusion from the award.
The assignment of the graduation award is subject to the availability of funds allocated annually. In the event of exceeding requests, the benefit will be allocated based on a ranking prepared taking into account the highest degree grade, and with an equal score, based on the lower ISEE value declared in the last scholarship application.
Selection criteria:
For the academic year 2018/2019, the funds and services available for the competitions referred to in this call are broken down as follows:
- 25% for freshmen students.
- 75% for students enrolled in subsequent years.
Depending on the verification of the requisites, the ranking position and the availability of funds for each announced competition, the student can be classified as:
- Winner
- Eligible
- Excluded
Students are declared eligible if, although meeting the requirements, they cannot be declared winners due to lack of availability. The selection of the beneficiaries of the competitions referred to in this call for applications is made based on the following criteria:
a) Freshmen: For those enrolled in the 1st year of a course, the provisional and final rankings are defined by an increasing order of income based on the ISEE. Should the ISEE being equal, the student's senior age will be taken into account.
b) Following years: The provisional and final rankings are defined based on the merit achieved compared to the minimum merit expected and the maximum merit achievable compared to the minimum merit expected. The two extremes, the maximum and the minimum, depend on the distribution of the credits of all students of the current academic year. The provisional and final rankings are also defined by an increasing order of income based on the ISEE.
Payments arrangements: the scholarship will be paid in 2 instalments:
- First instalment
The payment of the first instalment is expected within two months from the publication of the rankings, subject to availability of funds. The winners will be paid half of the amount of the scholarship. For the winners of lodging places, the amount of € 500 will be deducted from the first instalment as an advance on the cost of the service.
- Second instalment
a) Freshmen students are paid starting from the end of March 2020, after verifying the achievement of the required merit within the terms, and the regular registration of credits by the University's secretariat, subject to the transfer of the necessary funds by the Lazio Region.
b) Students enrolled in years following the first are paid starting from the end of June 2019, subject to the transfer of the necessary funds by the Lazio Region.
The news regarding payment dates are published in the section "Register of outcomes/payments" within the area reserved for students and/or in the official website
Students are required to periodically consult the Laziodisu website and/or the section "Register of outcomes/payments" to ascertain the moment in which the payment of the related economic provisions will be made in their favour. Students must indicate in the online application form the email address on which they intend to receive any communication from Laziodisu.
The scholarship is paid to the winners by crediting a current account in the name of the student, without any charge for the beneficiaries (postal savings books and similar are excluded). Within six months from the date of publication of the ranking listing the winners of the scholarship, the student must compulsorily communicate their bank details. The same is true in the cases in which the ranking is enlarged, for students who have passed from eligible to winners.
If the IBAN code shown is incorrect, or the account is in the name of a person other than the beneficiary, any penalty applied by the Treasury will be charged to the student In the event of errors attributable to Laziodisu or the Bank, a new payment order will be issued. The student who finds any difficulty in collecting the provisions issued in their name, must provide a timely written notification to the relevant territorial Laziodisu office.
- Regional tax
The winners and eligible students (non-winners) of the scholarship competition are entitled to the reimbursement of the regional tax for the academic year 2014/199 by Laziodisu (if previously paid). Any university tuition fees paid are reimbursed by the University of reference.
- Facilitated access to the canteen service
a) Students who are on-site scholarship winners are entitled to a free daily meal not refundable at the Laziodisu canteens, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, excluding the canteens' closing period.
b) Eligible students (non-winners) enrolled in the first year of a course can benefit from the service at the Laziodisu canteens, paying the lowest rate provided by the Organisation (1st level).
c) Eligible students (non-winners) enrolled in subsequent years are entitled to two free daily meals at the Laziodisu canteens, not refundable, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, excluding the canteens' closing period.
In exceptional cases and in any case in circumstances not attributable to the students, due to which the possibility of taking the exams is not guaranteed by the universities, Laziodisco will regulate the possible extensions for the acquisition of the envisaged merit.
For more info, please check:
Don't Miss your Chance Scholarship
The "Don't Miss Your Chance" Call 2019-20 will assign 11 two-year scholarships worth €4300 (gross, student and university taxes to be detracted) each both to EU and non-EU graduates (excluding Italian citizens). Moreover, scholarship winners will receive tuition waivers and only have to pay a €30 tax. This does not include non-university taxes, so students will also have to pay €16 tax stamp and the regional tax established by the Regione Lazio for academic year 2019-20.
To participate, candidates must satisfy all the following requisites by the call deadline:
1. University degree (or equivalent) from a foreign university that allows enrolment in a Masters Programme;
2. EU or non-EU citizenship (excluding Italian citizens);
3. No older than 26 (This means that after the midnight of the day of your 26th birthday, you no longer satisfy the requisites). The age limit is final.
Application for the call requires candidates to pay a €35 fee and complete the application by the deadline: June 27, 2019.
Detailed information on Student Collaboration Scholarships will be available at the following link:
"Wanted the best" Scholarship
The Call "Wanted the best" attributes 85 annual scholarships.
Amount of scholarship: € 3.000,00 (gross of statutory withholdings by the student and net of those charged to the University). Students who win the call are exempt from paying the full amount of the university contribution of the academic year. 2019-2020 and will have to pay only € 30.00 as a single contribution, and the regional tax of € 140.00 and the stamp duty of € 16.00.
Who can apply: students with a Bachelor's degree in Italian Universities (Sapienza excluded), and who obtained a graduation mark between 105/110 and 110/110 cum laude, who enrol in a Master's Degree in Sapienza in the academic year 2018-2019.
How to apply:The application for the competition must be submitted only with the on-line form. The application form must be submitted strictly within the deadline stated by the call for applications. Candidates who fail to submit their application within the prescribed deadline will be disqualified.
Candidates must fill in the form online entering the data listed below, candidates who fail to do so will be disqualified:
- name and surname;
- date and place of birth;
- e-mail address;
- degree;
- graduation date;
- final mark;
Applicants must also enclose, all in one pdf file, a scan of the documents below, candidates who fail to do so will be disqualified:
- certificate of the obtained degree
- valid identification document with information about the name, surname, place of birth and citizenship.
- The Administration is not liable for ineffectiveness of communications due to the applicant providing an incorrect e-mail address or informing with delay or not informing at all of any changes in the e- mail address.
The Administration carries out appropriate controls to verify the documents submitted are authentic, without having to inform the applicant about this measure, when, due to the particular need of celerity, the administration is unable to specifically inform the applicant. If upon verification measures the documents submitted prove to be false, the applicant will loose any benefit achieved based on untruthful statements, and he/she will have to give back any amount he/she has been given.
Selection criteria: The examination board will draw up a list of candidates, following the criteria below:
1. graduation final mark;2. in case of equal mark, the younger candidate shall prevail.
If the graduation final mark is not a numeric score, the final mark will be transformed in the corresponding numeric value. The examination board will draw up the list of candidates' scores in descending order.
Duration: scholarships will be offered for 1 academic year.
Detailed information on Student Collaboration Scholarships will be available once the Call for applications has been published.