Introductory Seminar to Research and Thesis Writing

The EAAS Tutors are glad to present the Introductory Seminar to Research and Thesis Writing, a cycle of on-line meetings aiming at introducing students to all the different processes involved in the production of a Master's Degree thesis. Coordinated by Professor Mario Martino, the Seminar is structured into 8 meetings (see the calendar below) held by EAAS professors and students which will engage with the latest issues of research and thesis writing, allowing students to raise awareness and gain confidence in producing a coherent, well-structured, critical academic work. Students who regularly attend the meetings will gain CFUs in the OTA (1 CFU for 4 meetings, 2 for all the meetings attended, 3 for all the meetings attended plus a written assignment to agree with Prof. Martino). 

The Introductory Seminar will be hosted on Google Meet from the 3rd to the 24th of July at 5.30 p.m. Registration to the seminar is COMPULSORY and has to be fulfilled by completing the following application ( ) BEFORE THURSDAY 2nd OF JULY AT NOON. Applications received after that date will not be considered. Registered students will access through their SAPIENZA E-MAIL ADDRESS the meetings following this link Meeting Code: vps-nkzv-yvn and can thus join the seminar. Each meeting will approximately last 1 hour and a half and will include a Q&A. In order to be signed as present and obtain the OTA CFUs students MUST participate for the entire length of the meeting and should neither arrive late nor leave early. 

SEMINAR CALENDAR (All meetings will begin at 5.30 p.m.)

1st meeting: 3rd July (Tutors + Prof. Martino): Presentation and introduction to the seminar (Click here for the slides)

2nd meeting: 6th July (Asia Battiloro, Paolo D'Indinosante, Gaia Ramazzotti): An Introduction to Bibliographic Research: Tips and Tricks (Click here for the slides)

3rd meeting: 8th July (Prof. Ranzato): Research topics and guidelines to write a thesis in Translation Studies

4th meeting: 10th July (Prof. Mitrano): Critical Method: A Very Short Introduction (Click here for the slides)

5th meeting: 16th July (Prof. Capoferro): Research topics and guidelines to write a thesis in English Studies 

6th meeting: 21st July (Prof. Simonetti): Research topics and guidelines to write a thesis in American Studies (click here for the slides)

7th meeting: 22nd July (Prof. Wardle): Good Academic Practice: How to cite (click here for the slides)

8th meeting: 24th July (Prof. Chiari): Linguistics and digital tools: research topics and guidelines to write a thesis (click here for the slides)

Information on the ASSIGNMENT and the MAKE-UP REPORT: click 

If in dire need of information, contact . 

Thanks for your attention and please do come and join us! 




Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic




 Valerio Monticelli

Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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