Pierluigi Zoccolotti
Professor in Psychology and Fashion
Pierluigi Zoccolotti held a Degree in Experimental Psychology and is Director of the master in "Disturbances of learning and cognitive development" in Sapienza. His research interests invest the cognitive psychology, the developmental reading and writing deficits, the experimental and clinical neuropsychology and the area of Neuropsychological rehabilitation. He is editor of special Issues o Research Topics for Ricerche di Psicologia, Dislessia, Cortex, Experimental Brain Research and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience/Frontiers in Psychology.
Course 2019/2020: Psychology and fashion MODULE COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE BEHAVIOUR (3 CFU) - code 1049604
The exam is divided into two modules of 3 CFU each. The other module 'Applied Perception' is held by Prof. Marialuisa Martelli
Contact: pierluigi.zoccolotti@uniroma1.it