The Lettorato is an annual language course held by mother-tongue teachers.
It is part and parcel of the course English Language-I (12 cfu) of the 1st year and English Languag-II (12 cfu) in the 2nd year.
There are no differences between frequentanti e non-frequentanti students.
1st Year
For 1st year, there are two groups according to the students' surnames:
- Group A: Nicholas Toll - surnames A-L; Monday 2-4pm (Aula 109, Marco Polo) and Wednesday 4-6pm (Aula 104, Marco Polo).
Group B: Maria Hillan - surnames M-Z; Tuesday 10am-noon (Aula 109, Marco Polo) and Friday 8-10am (Aula 109, Marco Polo).
2nd Year
- Margaret Horrigan: Tuesday 2-4pm (Aula 109, Marco Polo) and Wednesday noon-2pm (Aula 109, Marco Polo).
Alphabet Division
Please follow the alphabet division as given above. If you have problems with the timetable and wish to change, you must contact your lettore. Not all requests can be accommodated.
For further questions, please contact your lettore, but remember: the answer to your question regarding programs, exam dates, and so on may be found written on the Lettorato CLA Pages, so check there first.