Isabella Chiari

Isabella Chiari

Professor of Linguistics

Isabella Chiari teaches General Linguistics and Computational Linguistics in "La Sapienza" University of Rome, and currently holds courses for undergraduate students in General linguistics and graduate courses in Computational linguistics. She is the author of about fifty essays and held conferences, lessons and seminars in several Italian and foreign universities.

Her main research interests lie at the intersection between linguistics and philosophy of language. She is mostly involved in methodological and theoretical issues in computational and statistical linguistics for textual analysis (multiword expression analysis and extraction, measures for neologisms, interaction between lexicographic word senses and ontologies) and language learning (tests of language understanding and computational lexicographic tools) and sign language representation forms. 

Course a.a. 2019/20: Linguistics (L-LIN/01)
Code: 1054762




Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic




 Valerio Monticelli

Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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