
General Procedure

1. Request and assignment of the master's thesis:

Already starting from the end of the first year, you can identify your favourite subject or teacher and request for the assignment of the master's thesis. The subject must be related to a disciplinary field (Settore Scientifico Disciplinare - SSD) which is in your study plan (Percorso Formativo). The teacher must belong to the Master's Programme Council (Consiglio di Area Didattica). The teacher can accept or reject the request.

2. Submit the online graduation application

You can fill the application by Infostud. Login into Corsi di laurea, Esami (left hand side menu) Domanda di laurea
You will have to:

a) provide a pdf copy of your identity card or passport and / or a pdf copy of your tax code (codice fiscale). Click on Modifica documenti and Aggiungi documenti.

b) Enter the following data:

- Relatore (supervisor): enter your supervisor's name and surname

- Correlatore (assistant supervisor): please, don't enter any data because the assistant supervisor is chosen by the Department

- Relatore aggiunto (adjunct supervisor): He/she is a teacher belonging to the Sapienza University who contributes with your supervisor to your master's thesis work.

- Relatore esterno (external supervisor): He/she is an expert who does not belong to the Sapienza University. He/she contributes with your supervisor to your master's thesis work.

- Final examination session: Choose one from the following options: July, October, December-January, March

- Thesis Title

- Thesis Subject: Enter the subject and its disciplinary field code (SSD).

*If you still have to take an exam or if you have already taken an exam but it has not been registered on Infostud yet, please, go to the Segreteria Didattica.

3. Attachments

Upload the following documents:

- Identity card or passport

- Tax code

- Receipt of completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire. Please visit: 

3.1 Almalaurea Questionnaire

- Go to:

- Create your profile and complete the questionnaire

- You must sent a pdf copy of your Master's thesis taking into account the specific deadline as indicated in the document "Procedures and deadlines" (see also the paragraph "Upload your Master's thesis" below).

4. The approval

Your supervisor will receive your application and he/she will have to accept it in order for the procedure to continue. Once he/she has done so, you will receive a confirmation email.

After your supervisor's approval, your application will be automatically sent to the Segreteria Studenti. If the officers give a positive assessment of your documents, you will receive an email of acceptance of your Graduation Application.

For any additional assistance, please, contact or visit the Segreteria Didattica or the Segreteria Studenti.

5. Deliver your thesis to the assistant supervisor

By the date indicated in the schedule, you must present a copy of your thesis to your assistant supervisor (correlatore), accompanied by an abstract (max. 30 lines), done in duplicate. The assistant supervisor will keep a copy and he/she will sign and hand back to you the second copy. The abstract must indicate also the date of delivery to the assistant supervisor.

6. Upload your thesis

You have to complete and upload your thesis on Infostud in pdf format and your supervisor has to approve your work by 20 days before the final examination session begins.



Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic




 Valerio Monticelli

Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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