Giorgio Mariani

Giorgio Mariani
Professor of Anglo-American Literature
Giorgio Mariani is Professor of American Literature at the "Sapienza" University of Rome, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. He has served as President of the International American Studies Association (I.A.S.A.), from 2011 to 2015.His work has concentrated on nineteenth-century American writers (Emerson, Melville, Stephen Crane, and others); on contemporary American Indian literature; on literary theory; on the literary and cinematic representation of war. His essays and reviews have appeared in many journals, including American Literary History, Studies in American Fiction, Fictions, RIAS, RSA Journal, Stephen Crane Studies.Nuov Corrente, Zapruder, Leviathan, Letterature d'America, A.I.O.N., Acoma, Studi Americani. With Donatella Izzo he edits the American Studies series of the Sapienza UP, and with Donatella Izzo and Mauro Pala he edits the series "Le Balene" published by La Scuola di Pitagora. He is co-editor-in-chief with Donatella Izzo and Stefano Rosso of Acoma. Rivista internazionale di studi nord-americani.