Exemptions and benefits

You have full exemption if...

  • Your ISEE is less than 14.000 euros and you meet the requisites.

If you enroll in Academic Year 2019-20 and your ISEE Declaration does not exceed 14.000 euros, you do not pay to pay tuition fees. You can keep this benefit if you complete no less than 10 CFUs during your second year and 25 CFUs during the following years, by August 10, and do not end up "fuori corso", i.e. you don't run out of prescribed time.

You only pay 30 euros if...

  • You have at least a 66% recognized disability

If you have at least 66% of disability you only pay 30 euros for the whole duration of your degree. Sapienza has an Office for students affected by disabilities or Learning disabilities. Students who need extra time for the admission test must require it on the Infostud System before printing the enrolment form.

  • You got the highest marks at your bachelor's degree

If you completed your secondary education with 100/100 with honors for school year 2018-19 (applies to Italian maturità exam), you only pay 30 euro. You can keep this benefit if you achieve no less than 40 CFUs by August 10, 2019 with an average exam grade of 28/30 and no marks below 27. If you keep up the good work throughout your Bachelors degree programme and graduate with 110/110 with honors and keep up the good grades, you can take advantage of this benefit also for your Masters degree programme.

If you graduated from High School with a mark between 99 and 95 you have a reduction of 300 euros on your fees as calculated with your ISEE declaration.

  • If you are winner, or suitable for a Laziodisco scholarship

The call deadline is July 24, 2019. Further information on www.laziodisu.it or visit our Scholarships section.

  • You win the Call for the Advanced Study Courses

The Advanced Study Courses is a college where selected students can accommodate in residences chosen by Sapienza and participate in additional courses related to the Degree courses of their choice.

  • You have particular athletic merits

Sapienza actively promotes sports. If you have particular merits in sports, you only have to pay 30 euro, regardless your ISEE Declaration.

Students who benefit from this exemption still have to pay the 140 euro regional fee, if required. To request an exemption, students must provide documentation attesting their status of "athlete" to the Students Affairs Office. The Rector's Delegate for Sport and the Students Affairs Office will review your request

  • You benefit from a governmental Scholarship

If you benefit from an at least 9 months duration Scholarship provided by the Italian Governement you only pay 30 euros.

You have reductions if ...

  • Your ISEE is between 14.001 and 30.000 euros

According to law 232/2016 and based on further benefits provided by Sapienza, your tuition fees are calculated as follows:

(Your Isee - 14.000)*0,074375

You will have benefits if:

  • you enroll in the academic year 2018-19
  • you enroll in the second year and you have achieved at least 10 CFUs between August 11, 2017 and August 10, 2018
  • you enroll in years following the first and regularly complete 25 CFUs between August 11, 2017 and August 10, 2018

if you enroll from the second year as a "fuori corso" and you have achieved 25 CFUs between August 11, 2017 and August 10, 2018 you will pay:

1,5*(your Isee - 13.000)*0,07 with a minimun of 200 euros.

  • You pass a high number of exams with good grades

If you pass a certain number of exams with good grades, you could be entitled to a tuition fee reduction. Naturally, you will be competing against all other students on your degree programme. All exams taken since your first year count towards this grant. You can check to see if you qualify on your Infostud Page.

  • You have brothers, sisters or parents enrolled in Sapienza

Parents and siblings must be enrolled in Sapienza and have your same address and Isee. You and your siblings may qualify for a bonus, based on your grades, as desceribed in the Student Regulations.

  • You choose part-time regime

If you choose to study part-time you will have a progressive reduction of fees up to the 40%.

  • You participate in an Excellence Programme

If you pass the selection to access the Excellence Programme proposed by your Faculty, at the end of the course you will have a prize equal to the amount of the contributions paid in the final year. The Excellence Programme is aimed to students enrolled in a programme for worthy students and are interested in activities of study and cultural integration. The path of excellence consists of additional training activities and issues a final certificate. The faculties that activate the paths of excellence issue special annual calls.

For more info on this, please visit our Scholarships section.



Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic






 Valerio Monticelli


Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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