
Horizons of Marginality

"Marginality is the condition of being on the edges. Such a position is not necessarily disadvantageous, as to be marginal could also mean being located at the border of disparate realities (e.g. social groups, cultures, languages), thus acquiring some of the traits or values common to any one of them. [...] Marginality calls dichotomies into question. It casts doubt on canons, on what lies in and beyond the margins, on the divides between the Self and the Other."

Sapienza Graduate Forum Horizons of Marginality examines the concept of marginality through literary and linguistic perspectives. 

Click on the box below to download the programme of the event.

 If you are interested in knowing more, you can take a look at the book of abstract below. 

The event will be held online; the zoom link to take part is below:

EAAS Course Presentation 2022-23 Orientation Meeting



Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic




 Valerio Monticelli

Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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