Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements and credit recognition

In order to get the access to the Master degree in English and Anglo-American Studies, students need a three-year bachelor degree or university diploma or another acknowledged university degree. Before the enrolment a commission will verify admission and knowledge requirements in accordance with the procedures specified below.

Curricular Requirements

Students can apply for enrolment if they have:

a) A Bachelor Degree

b) A University Diploma (including D.M. 509/99 and D.M. 270/04*)

c) Another degree acknowledged by this university

Students applying for enrolment must have achieved during certified university activities, at least 84 ECTS within the following groups of areas (SSD) with specified bounds:

L-LIN/01, L-LIN/02, L-LIN/03, L-LIN/04, L-LIN/05, L-LIN/06, L-LIN/07, L-LIN/08, L-LIN/09, LLIN/10, L-LIN/11, L-LIN/12, L-LIN/13, L-LIN/14, L-LIN/15, L-LIN/16, L-LIN/17, L-LIN/18, L-LIN/19, L-LIN/20 L-LIN/21;


L-ART/01, L-ART/02, L-ART/03, L-ART/04, L-ART/05, L-ART/06, L-ART/07, L-ART/08; L-OR/01, L-OR/07, L-OR/08, L-OR/09, L-OR/10, L-OR/12, L-OR/13, L-OR/15, L-OR/16, L-OR/17, L-OR/18, L-OR/19, L-OR/20, L-OR/21, L-OR/22, L-OR/23;


M-GGR/01, M-GGR/02;

M-STO/01, M-STO/02, M-STO/03, M-STO/04, M-STO/05, M-STO/06, M-STO/07, M-STO/08;

L-ANT/02, L-ANT/03;

SPS/05, SPS/06, SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/10, SPS/13, SPS/14; M-PSI/06; 

M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, M-FIL/07; SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-P/03, SECS-P/04, SECS-P/05, SECS-P/06, SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09, SECS-P/10; IUS/01, IUS/07, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/14.

At least 54 ECTS among which at least 6 ECTS in L-LIN/10 or L-LIN/11 and at least 24 ECTS in L-LIN/12 (3 years, level C1.1)

*Students graduated according to D.M. 509/99 and D.M. 270/04 must have passed 5 exams in English or Anglo-American Literature and 2 exams in Linguistics/ Italian Philology/ Italian Literature.

Students who have been accepted on the Master's Degree Programme might need to complete their preparation according to the following syllabus, available at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1inbJ3aTISEimdHbTNWfPFEBtogSaHR8x/view?usp=sharing

These, however, do only represent a series of suggestions which an undergraduate should already know before embarking on a MA in English and Anglo-American Studies. 



Debora Nesi

Olga Khavova 

Sabrina Cassarino

Sonja Ilic






 Valerio Monticelli


Office Hours

Tutors' Office Hours - November 2023

6th November: 10am-2pm
7th November: 10am-1pm
9th November: noon-4pm
13th November: 10am-2pm
14th November: 10am-1pm
16th November: noon-4pm
20th November: 10am-2pm
21st November: 10am-1pm
23rd November: noon-2pm
28th November: 10am-1pm

Online office hours are also available: write to the tutors' e-mail to book them.

Prof. Iolanda Plescia (MA program coordinator) 

Check the timetable and the link posted on this page Office 340, 3rd floor, Marco Polo Building (Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo, 82) 

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