Program degree
- Programme Code: 30436
- Faculty: Lettere e Filosofie
- Duration: 2 years
- Degree Code: LM-37
- Degree: Masters
- Admission Procedure: Assessment of requisites and personal preparation
Important Deadlines for international students (pre-selections)
Non-EU candidates residing abroad and requiring a visa:
the 2023-2024 submission deadline for candidates applying to one or more programmes on the MoveIN pre-selection platform is April 28, 2023 (NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE)The visa application deadline on the UNIVERSITALY platform (all programmes) is June 30, 2023
All other candidates will be able to submit a pre-selection application until July 28, 2023.
2024/25 PRE-SELECTIONS will open in November 2023
For more information, please refer to the International Admissions page.
Applicant Categories
Any student with a non-Italian academic diploma, degree or equivalent should contact the International Admissions Office (settoretitolostraniero@uniroma1.it).
EU Citizens
- Citizens from an EU country;
- Citizens from Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland or the Republic of San Marino;
- Foreigners who already reside legally in Italy (including refugees and individuals with subsidiary protection);
- Staff on duty in foreign diplomatic delegations or in international organisations established in Italy and that are accredited by Italy or the Holy See, and their children.
Non-EU Citizens Residing in Italy
- Non-EU citizens who have been legal residents in Italy for no less than one year as of test date registration and who have obtained an Italian university degree;
- Non-EU citizens who possess a secondary school diploma from an Italian school abroad or a foreign or international school (either in Italy or abroad) legally recognized via governmental bilateral agreements or special legislation;
- Non-EU citizens with a valid residence permit for studies, who already enrolled in an Italian university in a previous academic year.
Non-Eu Citizens Residing Abroad
- All the other categories
Please note: Italian citizenship is considered prevalent in case of dual citizenship.
Required Documents
- EU citizens: steps 1-6
- Non-EU Citizens residing in Italy: steps 1-7
- Non-EU citizens residing abroad: steps 1-8
- Student registration code from the online Infostud portal (see the following link to obtain your credentials: https://www2.uniroma1.it/internazionale/incoming/registrationDegreeProgramme.aspx)
- A certified photocopy of your high school diploma (at least 12 years), which must be translated into Italian, legalized and accompanied by a Declaration of Equal Value issued by an Italian consulate or embassy in the country where the diploma was obtained. (You must be at least 17 years old when you receive you study VISA to enrol at Sapienza.)
- A certified photocopy and a simple photocopy of your university degree, which must be translated into Italian, legalized and accompanied by a Declaration of Equal Value issued by an Italian consulate or embassy in the country where the degree was obtained. EU students and EU equivalent students may replace the Declaration of Value with the Diploma Supplement for academic qualifications issued by institutes in the European Higher Education Area and self-certify their qualifications and the exams they have passed;
- A certified copy and a simple photocopy of your academic transcript issued by your school or university, including all the courses/exams that you have taken, which must be translated into Italian and legalized by an Italian consulate or Embassy; only for degree courses held in English, the certificate can be presented in English;
- A photocopy of the university course catalogue for each single course and the number of hours of theory and training required to obtain a degree. This document must be signed by the University and translated into Italian.
- A photocopy of your ID (Identity Card) or Passport;
- A photocopy of your study Visa: normally from March to July of the current year, you should contact your nearest Italian Consulate or Embassy at the beginning of the Academic Year. They will transmit your application to Sapienza. Once Sapienza receives your application, we will send you an approval letter that you can use to apply for your study visa. You will be accepted with reserve. Please note: a regular tourist VISA will not be accepted for university admission.
- Within eight days of your arrival in Italy with a Type-D VISA for study purposes, students must apply for a residency permit for study reasons at the police headquarters (questura) in Rome. The request can be presented at a post office by using the specific available kit. When you present the application, you will need to identify yourself and pay the following fees: €27.50 for the electronic residency permit application; €80.00 for the residency permit (3 months - 1 year); €30.00 for post office fees; stamp duty (marca da bollo). Prices refer to 2016 and changes may occur.
Application Procedure
EU citizens and Non-EU Citizens with a Foreign Degree and Residing in Italy
- Applicants falling into one of these categories must follow the instructions and deadlines provided in specific calls and:
- Register on the INFOSTUD System and provide: Personal details and citizenship (Select Titolo straniero if you have a non-Italian degree). After registering, you will receive a student number (matricola);
- Create a payment slip (bollettino) for the undergraduate or graduate programme that you are applying to and make the payment by the deadline indicated on the specific call;
- Prepare all necessary documents as indicated before.
Non-EU Citizens Residing Abroad
- Must have presented a pre-enrolment application at the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their country of residence by:
Dates: February 19 - July 24, 2018
Please note: information regarding the pre-selection application are available at the following link
- Register on the INFOSTUD System and provide: Personal details and citizenship (Select Extra-EU senza soggiorno (Non-EU citizen residing abroad) and Titolo straniero (non-Italian degree). After registering, you will receive a student number (matricola);
- Create a payment slip (bollettino) for the undergraduate or graduate programme that you are applying to and make the payment by the deadline indicated on the specific call.;
- Once you have registered, send an e-mail to the International Admissions Office providing the following details:
- Student Number (matricola)
- Name and Surname
- Country of Residence
- Selected Programme (as indicated in Form A submitted to the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country of origin)
- Then present the following documents to the Student Administration Office:
1. Payment receipt for enrolment fees;
2. Copy of your ID or Passport;
3. Copy of your VISA for study reasons (only for non-EU students resident abroad);4. Copy of your residence permit or application receipt (only for non-EU equivalent students and non-EU students resident abroad);
5. Legalised and translated academic title and official transcript;
6. Declaration of Value from Embassy or Consulate.

International Admissions Office
Director Micaela Lepore
Staff Vincenzina Di Genova, Federica Paparatti
Office Hours
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30 am - 12 am
Tuesday/Thursday 2:30 - 4.30 pm
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 00185 Roma
Palazzo Servizi Generali
Stairway C - 2nd floor